26 Jul 2024

How Is Technology Helping Wildlife Conservation In Australia?  

Shaun Bell

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How Is Technology Helping Wildlife Conservation In Australia?  

Technological evolution has made it possible for wildlife species to be tracked in real-time, data analyzed, and creative conservation tactics made possible by the previously unthinkable level of extraordinary precision in monitoring and protection.  

In the Depth of the Amazon rainforest, a jaguar pads through the undergrowth, a GPS collar around the neck, beaming back real-time data thousands of miles to conservationists. In Africa, drones with thermal imaging cameras hover over savannahs as they monitor the movements of endangered elephants and rhinos to ensure they are safe from poachers. 

Only a few examples of technology transforming wildlife conservation and opening new avenues for saving our most vulnerable species can be explored here. The rise of technology has given birth to several innovative ideas and solutions to help conserve the endangered species that were once the realm of science fiction. Wildlife offers many ecological, economic, and cultural advantages while playing a critical role in preserving the health and balance of ecosystems. 

Comprehending the significance of fauna is imperative to recognize the necessity of conservation endeavours and cultivate a durable connection with the environment. Technology is a brilliant combat to deal with the challenges in wildlife conservation that have arisen over time in the modern age due to the rise in demands for luxury products like a Hermes bag made of crocodile skin, elephant tusk for bangles, etc. 

Isn’t it sad that the ones who would die to protect their dog or cat won’t even bat eyes when other animals are killed for food or goods that they have created a demand for? The beautiful country is known for its landscape beauty, natural barriers, due to the devastation of natural habitats and an increase in poaching and hunting occurrences, may soon lose all of it. 

Australia possesses some of the most iconic species, like Kolas, Tasmanian Devil, Leadbeater’s Possum, etc., which are on the verge of extinction due to habitat destruction, climate change, invasive species, disease, and human activities. This was previously unthought of.  

For instance, in Australia, GPS collars on koalas allow conservationists to monitor their movements and habitat use, providing crucial data to protect these vulnerable marsupials from habitat destruction and disease. Modern technologies support our efforts to preserve and maintain the natural environment by helping us better understand the needs and behaviours of various species and directly assisting in their protection.  

The Crisis Of Extinction-  

Australia has the unfortunate distinction of having one of the world’s highest rates of species dying out. Since Europeans settled there in the late 1700s, the country has seen over 50 animal species disappear, and many more are now in danger. This problem has many connected causes, including destroying habitats, non-native species taking over, changes in the climate, and things people do.  

Animals around the globe are on the verge of extinction due to human greed manifesting in the exploitation of natural resources for luxury items and financial gain, habitat destruction, unlawful poaching, and climate change.  

Australia ranks among the top countries with species extinction rates worldwide. Over 100 species have disappeared since Europeans settled, with 34 mammal species gone. It accounts for almost a third of global mammal extinctions since the 1500s. Well-known animals like the Tasmanian tiger and Lesser Bilby no longer exist.  

The bushfires of 2019-2020 put many species at risk of surviving, thus burning more than 12 million hectares and affecting more than 3 billion animals. 

Today, 1,700 plus species are on the threatened or endangered list. Koala numbers have dropped by half in some regions in the last 20 years. The Leadbeater’s Possum and Western Swamp Tortoise are also in grave danger. Non-native species loss of habitats, changes in climate, and illnesses are the main reasons for these declines. Australia needs to act fast to save its one-of-a-kind wildlife from further losses. 

Reason Behind The Rise Of Wildlife Extinction- 

The changing world of technology has spared none, with wildlife being no exception due to its significant effects, both good and bad, as modern instruments are now essential for tracking, preserving, and safeguarding endangered species globally. Some of the best species are on the verge of extinction due to several reasons- 

1. Habitat Destruction 

The foremost reason driving wildlife extinction in Australia is habitat destruction, meaning the natural habitat fails to support the pre-existing animals by destroying their breeding grounds, shelter and food.  

The prime reason for habitat destruction is the rapid urbanization leading to deforestation, agriculture, and mining, which weakens ecosystems, diminishes the number of natural regions accessible to animals, and deteriorates the environment, making it harder for many species to live long and prosper. 

2. Invasive Species 

Would you like it if someone came into your home forcefully and then started treating it as their own, it is the same case for invasive species, meaning they are organisms that no one likes because of their disruptive nature, competitiveness with native species and ecological damage they cause. 

Australia is prone to invasive species due to its enormous trade and travel networks, its distinct and secluded ecosystems, its varied climates suitable for a wide range of species, and its historical introduction of non-native plants for decorative and agricultural uses. These invasive species are frequently unintentionally brought into the ecosystem, but occasionally, they are purposefully brought in to address other problems. 

3. Human Activities – 

Humans are the sole cause of everything that’s wrong with wildlife, leading to the mass extinction of several endangered animals through invasive species invasion, pollution, overexploitation, climate change, and habitat degradation.  

The chemicals released directly into the rivers, landfills, etc., are the prime cause of the destruction of natural habitats, leading to the death of several terrestrial and aquatic organisms. The rise in demand for luxury products has led to the overexploitation of available resources, with animals being killed for their body, leading to an increase in poaching and hunting incidents.  

4. Climate Change – 

Climate change massively impacts wildlife endangerment because of the changing habitats and ecosystems. Higher temperatures, different weather patterns, and extreme events like wildfires, floods, and droughts throw off the natural balance. Many animals find it hard to keep up with these fast changes, which leads to less food, messed up breeding times, and more chance of getting sick. 

The melting ice caps and more acidic oceans directly affect polar bears, coral reefs and other creatures. As ecosystems shift, animals’ migration patterns get mixed up, often causing more competition and putting at-risk wildlife in even more danger. 

5. Wildfire– 

The regular wildfires in Australia are driven by a mix of factors, including the country’s hot and dry climate, prolonged drought, and natural vegetation that ignites easily. Climate change exaggerates these factors, raising temperatures and making weather patterns even more extreme. Regular wildfires play an equally pivotal part in destroying the natural habitat of animals, leading to their endangerment and extinction. 

6. Disease– 

Diseases are a major cause of extinction in wildlife because they are among the major causes of sudden population decline and ecosystem disruption. Diseases spread fast in densely populated areas and across species in highly stressed environments, like habitat loss and climatic change.  

It can result in the loss of the affected species, multiplying ecological effects, structural changes at the food web level, modification of ecosystem functions, and finally, push other vulnerable species to the edge of extinction. 

How To Save Wildlife? 

Wildlife needs to be saved to maintain ecological balance and ensure health on our planet. Through its role in seed distribution, pest management, and plant pollination, wildlife contributes to the richness and viability of diverse ecosystems while preserving natural areas.  

Reserving animals protects essential human ecological services, like clean water and air. It confers cultural and educational values and inspires future generations. Wildlife, through conservation, can support eco-tourism economies. In saving wildlife, we also save the complex framework of life that sustains us all, leading to a life sustained and balanced with the environment. 

1. Protecting Habitats- 

Habitat protection and restoration are among the most effective means of conservation. It creates and maintains protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves, where ecosystems can thrive undisturbed by humans. Additionally, native vegetation re-establishes damaged habitats, providing some vital refuge for endangered species. 

This implies that wildlife needs to be conserved as it gives ecological balance and health to our planet. Moreover, wildlife protection prevents the loss of species that have cultural values, are scientifically important, and provide recreational activities. 

2. Invasive Species Control 

Invasive species are harmful to our ecosystem because they inflict major ecological and economic harm by changing ecosystem processes and decreasing biodiversity, outcompeting native species for resources, disturbing natural habitats, spreading diseases, and more. 

Management of invasive species is pivotal for native wildlife survival. It entails programs of feral predator culling, invasive plant removal, and prevention of new invasive species introductions. Support from the community is essential because most of these projects need constant upkeep and attention. 

3. Climate Change Mitigation:  

Both global and local initiatives are critical for the long-term conservation of species, given climate change. You can accomplish this by mitigating the impacts of climate change on wildlife through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, using land sustainably, and renewable energy resources. 

Moreover, this demands actions on how species can adapt to the changing conditions by opening wildlife corridors to help the animals move to suitable habitats. 

4. Research And Monitoring:  

Continued research and monitoring are necessary to understand the complexities of ecosystems and the specific needs of endangered species. Scientific studies can inform conservation strategies and track the effectiveness of interventions. Technologies such as satellite tracking, camera traps, and genetic analysis are valuable tools in this endeavour. 

5. Community Engagement: 

Engaging local communities in conservation efforts is critical. Education and outreach programs can raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and encourage community members to participate in conservation activities. Citizen science initiatives, where volunteers help collect data and monitor wildlife, can also play a significant role in conservation efforts. 

6. Managing Bushfire: 

The prevention, containment, and mitigation of bushfires is the cornerstone of Australian blaze management. To lower fuel loads and reduce the risks connected with large-magnitude fires would require prescribed burning, sometimes referred to as controlled burning. Building barriers to stop a fire from spreading is made possible by firebreaks and vegetation clearance. Modern fire detection tools, such as drones and satellites, track fire activity and facilitate an early response. 

How Technology Helps In Conserving Australian Wildlife? 

From the diverse challenges wildlife faces in Australia, innovative solutions seem the most effective. That means habitat enrichment and better population management to help endangered species thrive. 

Much of the monitoring of the health and behaviour patterns of wildlife helps conservationists craft protection strategies most appropriately. Engaging local communities and educating the public furthers these initiatives.  

This has been underpinned further by collaborative efforts from various organizations and stakeholders towards mitigating threats and providing a safe environment for the diverse wildlife of Australia.  

1. Drones And Aerial Surveillance –  

The foremost technological revolution that has changed the world of wildlife conservation is the invention of drones, which revolutionized the way scientists keep an eye on and safeguard animals, making it possible for improved anti-poaching operations, real-time monitoring, and more effective data collecting.  

These gadgets can revolutionize wildlife conservation by offering a bird’s-eye perspective of inaccessible distant locations. Drones that use thermal imaging and high-resolution cameras can monitor large areas of land, animal movements, and illicit activities like poaching and deforestation. This technology greatly enhances anti-poaching effectiveness while minimizing the risk to human life by reducing on-the-ground patrols in dangerous areas. 

1. Population Monitoring –  

Drones have proven to be an asset in helping wildlife sanctuaries with aerial surveillance that helps with habitat loss and poaching tracking, improves animal population monitoring, and makes it easier to collect data for conservation operations in a timely and reliable manner. It is a helpful tool to monitor elusive or hard-to-reach species like dugongs and koalas. 

2. Habitat Mapping–  

Drone help in habitat mapping involves taking high-resolution aerial photos and data that enable scientists to map ecosystems precisely, track changes over time, and evaluate the effects of environmental variables on wildlife habitats.  

Drones can create highly detailed habitat maps, indicating areas where conservation is necessary. The process involves mapping coral reefs, forests, and wetlands to monitor changes over time and track the impacts of human activities in such places. 

3. Anti-Poaching – 

Poaching is another significant hazard to the preservation of wildlife because it entails the unlawful killing and trafficking of animals, frequently going after endangered species for their fur, tusks, horns, or other body parts and drones have helped significantly reduce the number of lost animals to poaching.  

Some nations use drones for tracking poachers through real-time surveillance. It aids the officials in responding promptly to any potential threat and thus rescues endangered species from falling prey to such poachers. 

2. Satellite Tracking And GPS Collars– 

Isn’t it interesting that you can keep track of your animals using GPS technology integrated into their collars permitting the real-time observation of their activities and behaviour, which supports conservation, research, and preservation efforts? State-of-the-art satellite tracking and GPS collaring are the strides in wildlife conservation today. The devices enable researchers to track the movement and behaviour of animals instantly.  

Therefore, migration patterns, habitat use, and social structure understanding will provide informed decisions in habitat protection and management. Identifying important nesting and feeding grounds enables conservationists to ensure that such areas are protected from human disturbance.  

Similarly, GPS collars on big mammals such as lions, tigers, and bears provide pivotal information related to home ranges and human-wildlife interactions that help reduce human-wildlife conflicts. 

1. Real-Time Monitoring:  

Monitoring wildlife outdoors is essential to ensuring their safety, and this innovative technology is the best because it enables conservationists to track the movements of endangered species and keep them safe. 

They provide real-time data on the movements of animals that help researchers track migration patterns, territorial behaviours, and habitat use. Most importantly, this information helps in understanding species’ needs and adapting conservation strategies accordingly. 

2. Improved Data Accuracy:  

Accurate data helps in wildlife conservation by offering thorough insights into the habits, uses, and migration patterns of animals. These insights help to improve habitat management, target conservation strategies, and the efficacy of protective measures—all of which contribute to the successful preservation and recovery of endangered species. 

GPS collars provide accurate location data that helps map animal ranges and identify habitats to aid in designing protected areas and human-wildlife conflict management. 

3. Disease Tracking : 

The disease is another pivotal reason behind the endangerment of animals due to its ability to spread quickly through populations, weaken individuals, interfere with successful reproduction, and cause decreases in species numbers. GPS collar and satellite tracking could thus be instrumental in monitoring the spread of diseases among wildlife populations through health and movement patterns that enable timely interventions for management. 

3. Artificial Intelligence and Big Data 

Artificial intelligence and big data are overhauling how we study and interpret wildlife data. Machine learning algorithms can process massive reams of data from camera traps, discovering patterns and trends that would have been impossible for people to see in recordings, satellite photos, and other sources. 

For instance, AI-powered image recognition software identifies species from thousands of camera trap photos, thus saving countless hours of manual work for researchers. In addition, using AI-equipped acoustic sensors, researchers can monitor and analyse the calls of birds, frogs, and other animals for insights into population sizes and behaviours. 

1. Species Identification – 

AI algorithms uses images and sound to identify species, saving time and effort used in manual identification. It specifically works well with processing data from camera traps and acoustic sensors. 

2. Predictive modeling:  

Prediction of species distribution, habitat suitability, and impacts of environmental changes through machine learning models helps conservationists create focused strategies towards species and habitat protection. 

3. Threat Detection : 

It is applied in threat detection, like poaching, habitat destruction, and disease outbreaks. This can be accomplished by utilizing AI to evaluate data from several sources and provide early alerts, thereby encouraging preventative conservation efforts. 

4. Genetic Analysis and Conservation 

Another powerful tool in the armoury of a conservationist is genetic analysis. DNA sequencing can unravel vital information about genetic diversity, structure, and breeding patterns in a population.  

This information is critical to the designing of an effective conservation strategy, more so for small and isolated populations prone to inbreeding. 

For instance, genetic analysis has allowed distinguishing distinct populations of African elephants and thus provides the means for more focused conservation efforts. Generally, this knowledge of population genetics enables appropriate measures to ensure that protection areas are safeguarded and breeding programs are carried out to enhance genetic diversity. 

1. DNA Barcoding – 

DNA barcoding has been a helpful tool in helping wildlife conservationists to accurately identify species, track the illegal wildlife trade, monitor biodiversity, and analyse population dynamics to better conservation decisions and endangered animals and their ecosystems. 

A brilliant mobile app development company can help you integrate this technology into user-friendly platforms, facilitating data collection, analysis, and real-time monitoring, thus enhancing the effectiveness of conservation efforts and fostering greater public engagement and support for wildlife protection. 

A reputable app development company can assist you in transforming your creative concepts into workable, intuitive applications that satisfy your company’s requirements and successfully connect with your target market. 

2. Genetic Rescue– 

Genetic rescue is one of the best ways to conserve a species because it involves introducing genetic diversity into small, isolated populations to reduce the risk of inbreeding and increase resilience.  

It is the technique that helped save animals like the Tasmanian devil in the mountains by contributing essential genetic information to control disease outbreaks, like the spread of the infectious facial tumour disease, and by supporting the creation of breeding plans and habitat preservation tactics suited to their requirements. 

3. Biobanking –  

Another brilliant technology that has helped wildlife conservation is biobanking, which includes conserving genetic material from endangered species, including tissues, sperm, and DNA. In the event of population decreases or extinctions, this method will be a resource for conservation efforts in the future.  

It provides the best scope for the future of endangered species by allowing wildlife conservationists to save the DNA material of endangered species and use it for breeding purposes. 

5. Citizen Science And Mobile Apps – 

By encouraging the general public to engage in scientific research, citizen science can gather information and observations that are useful for environmental monitoring and conservation. Mobile application technology strengthens citizen science through easy-to-use platforms that users can use for the collection, uploading, and sharing of data regarding wildlife sightings, environmental conditions, and other phenomena. 

Such apps can be designed to provide real-time data collection, educational tools, and community tools that help permit wide-scale engagement and collaboration. In the quest for greater scientific understanding and conservation, it makes data collecting easier, increases its quantity and variety, and enables researchers to evaluate large datasets efficiently. 

 A known app development company that helps you streamline the development of your app will guarantee excellent design and functionality, and you can take advantage of their experience to produce a product that will stand out in the crowded market. 

1. Wildlife Sightings – 

Wildlife sightings are crucial in helping sanctuaries and conservationists monitor species numbers, track animal movements, identify important habitats, and spot changes in biodiversity allowing for more focused and efficient conservation efforts.  

The impact of mobile apps on nature conservation is getting increasingly pronounced as people can now easily record and share findings on wildlife, hence helping researchers with vital data on species distribution and behaviour. Such a dataset augments other conventional methods for monitoring and is useful in tracking any changes over time. 

2. Invasive Species Reporting – 

Mobile apps play a crucial role in helping conservationists identify invasive species by enabling the public to report sightings, track their spread, and provide real-time data that supports rapid response and management efforts. This method helps naturalists prevent the spread of invasive species and protect native wildlife. 

6. Acoustic Monitoring  

Acoustic monitoring, which involves studying wildlife with the help of sound recordings, provides completely non-intrusive ways of monitoring species and learning about their behaviours. Acoustic sensors within different environments may pick up sounds created by animals, such as birdsong, calls from marine mammals, and insect noises. This is data helpful in monitoring population size, distribution, and activity patterns.  

When it comes to researching and protecting species like elephants, acoustic monitoring is invaluable. Elephants communicate using low-frequency rumbles, which may be recorded by this technology. This helps with population control, tracking, and social structure analysis—especially in densely forested areas. 

These long-range, low-frequency rumbles can warn of impending dangers, communicate details about the elephant’s emotional condition and social interactions, and travel great distances. In areas with deep forests where visual observation is difficult, this technique is invaluable. Apart from being able to identify and locate elephants in distress or spot human activity that could be a sign of poaching, acoustic monitoring is also pivotal for anti-poaching efforts.  

1. Birdsong Analysis – 

Birdsong analysis or recording involves taping bird vocalizations and analyzing them for information about the behaviour, population, and distribution. Specialized microphones and recorders pick up the sounds in various habitats.  

Recordings are analyzed concerning species identification, assessment of breeding activity, and occurrence or abundance of different populations of birds. Birdsong analysis helps to track changes in bird communities over time, detect shifts due to environmental changes, and measure the effectiveness of conservation efforts. 

2. Marine Life Monitoring- 

Monitoring aquatic life means tracking and studying the health, behaviour, and populations of marine and freshwater species. Data for several species—from fish to mammals to invertebrates—are recorded using tools, like underwater cameras, acoustic sensors, and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). 

Given this monitoring, species distribution, migration patterns, and breeding activities are known. It also evaluates the impact caused by environmental changes, pollution, and human activities related to fishing and shipping. 

Challenges Of Technology In Wildlife- 

While technology has enormous benefits to conservation, it also comes with several challenges. High costs and limited access will likely retard its spread across the board, especially in areas that are resource-constrained. In addition, some technological deployments may end up disturbing wildlife, which raises ethical concerns. Some other risks are over-reliance on technology to the detriment of traditional knowledge in conservation and local practice. 

1. Data Management– 

Data management is an essential part of using modern technology to help in wildlife conservation. Vast amounts of data from modern technologies require effective management, analysis, and storage solutions. The quality and accessibility of data are, therefore, an essential need in ensuring informed decision-making. 

Ensuring data accuracy, dependability, and accessibility requires the implementation of strong systems. Effective conservation decision-making, strategy optimization, and the accomplishment of wildlife protection initiatives all depend on high-quality data. 

2. Cost And Accessibility – 

Modern technology is an expensive tool to use and most wildlife sanctuaries cannot afford to finance or keep up with such cutting-edge equipment. Because of this financial barrier, they fail to adequately monitor, protect, and conserve wildlife using the latest technological breakthroughs. Widespread adoption requires efforts to lower costs and improve accessibility. 

3. Ethical Considerations – 

Ethical considerations are another pivotal concern for wildlife because using technology can alter animal behaviour and harm natural environments. Ethical conservation practices need to strike a balance between the growth of technology and the well-being of wildlife, thus making sure that measures do not injure or stress animals excessively.  

Ethical concerns about animal behaviour and privacy are brought up by using technology in wildlife conservation. Ethical issues and technological improvements must be balanced for appropriate conservation practices. 

Future Technology In Revolution Of Wildlife Conservation – 

Augmented and immersive virtual experiences have the potential to significantly and uniquely transform the field of wildlife protection. Through virtual experiences and interactions with natural habitats and wildlife, these immersive technologies open up new possibilities for education and awareness-raising. 

VR and AR allow users to experience the comforts of home life, such as going on virtual safaris, exploring coral reefs, or seeing the struggles experienced by endangered species. This facilitates a stronger emotional bond between people and the natural world, increasing the impact of conservation messaging and encouraging empathy and action. 

Virtual reality (VR) is also becoming a potent training tool for wildlife rangers and conservationists, providing lifelike simulations that prepare for fieldwork. This integration of environmental education with technology is a big step toward increasing people’s awareness of and engagement with the value of protecting the biodiversity of our planet. 


Technology has revolutionized wildlife conservation—in terms of strategies and effectiveness—toward the protection of the different species and ecosystems of our globe. Technology has become an underpinning partner to conservation in the struggle for the preservation of biodiversity, from leading-edge monitoring systems to sophisticated data analysis tools. 

Technology is rapidly becoming a staple of modern wildlife conservation. It helps that with satellite imaging, camera traps, genetic analysis, citizen science, drones, and AI, conservationists are now better placed than ever before to understand, protect, and restore the natural world.  

The potential for technology to solve some of the thorniest conservation problems expands with its growth—the hope, then, for survival to be extended to as many species as possible and for our planet’s rich biodiversity to be preserved. In this regard, collaboration between technology and conservation will be imperative in shaping a future where both humans and wildlife can thrive.  

As they negotiate the challenges of app creation, our technocrats will offer you knowledgeable advice at every stage of the procedure. 

You can now transform your smart concept into a brilliant app by contacting our team at 7 Pillars if you’re a wildlife conversationalist looking to develop an app to increase your ability to save animals on the verge of extinction.  

A trustworthy app development company can assist you in creating the wildlife conservation app of your dreams by using their knowledge and experience to make your ideas a reality. The technocrats at 7 Pillars, a top app development firm, are committed to using the newest trends and technology to assist our clients realize their ideal apps and ensure they become an immediate hit with users.  

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